[MBIX-News] Fibre optic cable installed

Jonathan Stewart jonathan.stewart at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 15:58:58 CDT 2013

Hello MBIX followers,

Today, we installed a fibre cable with 48-strands of single-mode fibre from
the 5th floor wiring closet to the MBIX rack at GSC.

We have not spliced the cable yet, that will happen soon.

We will use this cable to connect a fibre patch panel in room 888 to a
patch panel in the top of the MBIX half-rack.  This will allow 888 to serve
as a meet-me room for MBIX, without requiring a network to run fibre
directly into the GSC space.

Also, MBIX now has a router, to provide remote access to our core switch,
and other management functions. It will also provide transit to Akamai.  It
will be racked this week.

That's all for now, and thanks for your interest in MBIX.

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